
Empowering businesses at every stage,

from conceptualization to product design

and comprehensive business development.

This is what we do:

your idea

Develop a minimum viable

Launch a beta-version
of your idea

Further develop services / products after launch

Making the future exciting

We work with the following clients:

 Create a Strategy

At youngbits we make a strategy based on your company and/or startup. The strategy is used to identify priorities, concentrate energy and resources, and ensure that employees and/or stakeholders work towards common goals with a focus on the future.

This is done in a number of phases:

  • We complete a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the current company and its competitors.
  • In consultation with you, we then create a business strategy taking into account our analysis of the competition.
  • We execute the strategy and bring your idea to operational level.
  • Once operations are achieved, we evaluate and modify the strategy for optimal success!

User experience

To successfully launch products or services in today’s marketplace, it is important that they are well-conceptualized (or designed) and readily accessible to your customer base through a thoughtful and intuitive customer interface. User experience determines how the user interacts with and experiences the product, and is critical to the success of your business. However, user experience is highly subjective in nature and requires extensive consumer beta-testing and revision before launch. Required, because the interface determines the quality of your customer experience, and often makes or breaks business. In addition, user experience is dynamic and must adapt to constantly changing circumstances and customer feedback.

UX is the interface between the design and the functioning of your online system. At Youngbits, we create an effective user experience in close consultation with you or your team, so that the end product drives meaningful consumer interactions that result in sales through your online portal.


Design is critical to any successful launch, and one of our core strengths at Youngbits. For online markets, design distinguishes your brand and facilitates seamless consumer interaction while providing integrated business functionality for your back-end. The design process requires considerable research, negotiation, analysis, testing, adaptation and, if necessary, redesign. Every step in the design process is critically evaluated so that by the time the design launches it is a perfect fit of aesthetics and functionally for your core concept.

 Business development

For every company and startup growth is critical to function: be it an expansion of the customer base, in services offered, productivity or product development. In business development, we will strategize and prioritize tasks and work-flows that facilitate growth both within your organization and your marketplace. Our central aim is to create long-term value for the organization, including customer relations. Our business development consultants work together with your team, with input you’re your customers, to create a development strategy for your company that fits your needs for growth.

 Software development

In addition to design, software development is another of our core strengths at Youngbits. We will complete an analysis of your existing company software(s) or consider the objectives and goals of your organization in designing something from scratch. We organize this process into phases which include:

  • Initial development (or modification, re-engineering or update/maintenance of software)
  • Implementation
  • Testing (and revision)
  • Documentation (and manual production)
  • Deploy and maintain

Digital transformation

At Youngbits, we have been a digital organization right from the start. We understand that digital technology provides new solutions to many traditional business challenges. With our process of digital transformation, we examine your current or proposed business strategy to ensure it is capitalizing on available technology to streamline, innovate or even revolutionize traditional approaches to business growth and resource management.

In short, in the digital transformation process we integrate digital solutions in all areas of the company to bring immediate added value to your existing customers and increase your capacity and flexibility for growth. The transformation is customized for every company, but is always a cultural change. We work with you you as an organization to experiment with changes so that you integrate this transformation effectively with the tools to quickly and easily adapt to future challenges both within your company and the marketplace as a whole.

Administration system

Sharing of vehicles and rides 

A new way of living

Contact us
+3185-064 0420

We can also be reached on this number via whatsapp.